From Little Things... Big Things Grow

From Little Things... Big Things Grow

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why I am jealous.

Before I even start, I want to clarify that what I am about to write, I know is irrational. I know he isn't doing anything wrong, but I am still jealous. We are in a crappy situation at the moment and he is getting just as much of a raw deal as I am. Working crazy hours and spending his weekend looking after the kids while I work. But I am still jealous. I love him and do as much as I can to make his life easier, but I am still jealous. This is meant as a light piece of entertainment based on truth, not an anti male campaign.

I am jealous of my husband. On a daily basis. At various times.

My husband gets up at whatever time he needs to to get to work on time. He leaves himself 30 minutes to get ready, gets up, says hi to us, heads straight for the shower, gets dressed and goes. Some days, once every few weeks,  he is too tired and decides to do the morning's work at the end of the day, or the next day so that he doesn't have to get up for another hour or so.

He goes to work for the day and often evening. He gets a restaurant cooked meal once per day as the company owns the restaurant next door and is home around 6.30pm 2 x week and 10 pm 2 x week.

He gets home 3 workdays a week when the children are awake. I am frazzled from the madness that is looking after Nico and aforementioned chaotic dinnertime. All I want to do is remove crankypants from my lap/hip but of course husband has "just walked in the door" and just wants "ten minutes".

After we have dinner together, and spend a bit of time together, he says "I am tired, I am off to bed" and off he goes. Until morning, when he wakes up whenever he decides he needs to, to get to work at an ok time.

- Jealous point #1. He gets to have a shower without any planning or a preschooler nagging to get in too. He doesn't have his ears set to "ultra sensitive" and turn off the shower every minute because he thinks he heard one of the kids scream/ fall/ bang

- Jealous point #2.  He has flexibility in his day. If he really can't be bothered, he just reschedules things, either in his mind, or with someone else. Try negotiating the days schedule with a 3 year old and a 17 month old with special needs.

- Jealous point #3  He misses the countless hours of Nico's grumbles, our threenages tantrums, dinnertime chaos and screaming as I try to get food prepared for both Brooklyn and the wee man. During the week he is talking to people... people who are not doctors/ nurses/ anything to do with the medical profession. He doesn't have to sort the logistics of medical appointments or toy with whether or not to take the preschooler.

- Jealous point #4 He has a chef to cook for him once a day. Enough said.

- Jealous point #5 He gets to have a break after work on top of the breaks legislation gives employees in their work day. When is my break? Come to think of it.. when is the end of my day?
(see note at top of post. I don't think he is not entitled to want 10 minutes but... still jealous)

- Jealous point #6 He gets to choose when he wants to go to bed. He doesn't have to think about when Nico's next feed is due, make up bottles, ensure that all the parts of the feeding pump are cleana nd ready to go.

Then of course there are the work functions, taking clients to events and sports. My inner child comes out and although I really do want him to go... I pout and whine "IIIIIIIIIIIIIII want to go toooooooooooooo, I never get to go anywhere!" (I know, I may as well stomp my feet too)

Is it just because of the extreme situation we are found in? Is the lack of sleep clouding my view of reality? In terms of daily routines, it seems that mens lives change very little when children come along. Do you have times where you get jealous of your partner, knowing that it is completely irrational but can't stop yourself?


  1. I really feel for you, all Mums deserve their own "ten minutes" too. For what good is a Mummy when she is frazzled and at her wits end? You need to sternly tell him you work as well - yours is just unpaid and doesn't have designated break times. Because this will just fester and explode otherwise... Best of luck xx

  2. oh man you are so not alone... I had my very own little jealous temper tantrum this afternoon about how I have to plan every little thing to make sure the kids needs are always taken care off whereas he gets to say 'oh I'm going out to cards with the boys tonight, see you later'.... and off he goes.

    It's not that I don't think he should go. Not that I don't think he deserves a night out. I want him to go, I am happy that he gets to go.... but why is it so easy for him to have a break and so freaking hard for me? When is it my turn???

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..... um yeah I so hear you! LOL

  3. Oh I hear ya! The thrill of going to the toilet without a baby screaming that you're out of sight, arranging a day out without having to pack a massive bag of nappies & provisions. Just some time to do nothing would be nice. But like you, I have a husband who does work hard for us, and I know he hates that he misses out on so many of the milestones. No one has it easy, but geez it's nice to have a good rant once in a while! :)
