Now that life is a bit of a logistical nightmare, I am understanding the meaning of "Quality Time". It's not that I didn't believe in it or understand it... I just thought it was for the dad's who didn't get home from work til their child's bed time.
Now I am the Invsible Mum. My time with Brooklyn has been cut down to maybe 1/4 of what it was. Not by 1/4. To 1/4. I wrote out a mini schedule with 2 times slots per day: AM and PM and 3 activities "Work" "Nico" and "Brooklyn" for the nurses so they knew when to expect me. Work got 3 slots, Brooklyn got 3.5 (in just 3 days), Nico got 5.5 and Saturday was left blank. Seeing this on paper, although completely skewed as of course I spend time with her each day, made me incredible sad. I wanted to cry. My little girl, my amazing little girl, was going through one of the funniest ages in her lifetime, and I was missing chunks of it.
Through this little exercise, I found Thursday's has become Brooklyn's day. It is the only day I have to devote the whole day to her. Even then I miss the start of it. I go to the hospital at 6am, feed Nico at 8 and get home by 9.30am. On Wednesday night I had our day all planned to makes sure that the time we did get was all about her.. not me or the house (although we did do a few groceries but the trip was to get her some fairy wings)
We started off the day outside where she had been helping her dad move some stones. We filled buckets, ran along the side of the house and searched for snails... something either her Nana or cousin taught her...
With fairies being her latest obsession, I was ordered inside to watch The Fairies which I had recorded for her the day before. We did the Boogie Woogie Sand Dance (sha-a-ake your bo-ot-tom), helped Harmony and Rhapsody write a letter and scoffed at the flying boat.
Just in time for lunch we cooked some muffins. She shook in the ingredients, mixed it up and most importantly, licked the spoon and bowl!!!
She stood on a backwards chair in front of the oven and watched in amazement as they grew and grew... it was almost, but not quite as exciting as getting to eat them. She was even allowed to have "juice" with her lunch, just like her mum. (A splash of juice in a cup of water)
After a nap we went to the shops and bought some fairy wings and playdough equipment. This resulted in a little fairy sitting at Brooklyn's table playing with playdough for the afternoon. Only after another trip to the beach in the flying boat with Harmony and Rhapsody though. With her wings and wand, obviously. It wan't until we put this on that she pointed out that she didn't have the "eyes" like the other fairies. Oh well. Thursday will come again next week!